What is IV Nutrient Therapy?
IV nutrient therapy is the process of giving vital nutrients to the body via the bloodstream by accessing the vein with a small needle. The nutrients can be a small amount that is pushed in slowly with a syringe over 5 to 15 minutes or a bag that is dripped in slowly over 30 minutes to 4 hours depending on the solution being given.
Why give IV Nutrient Therapy?
IV nutrient therapy is a way of getting vitamins, amino acids, minerals and other nutrients into the bloodstream quickly. It takes no work on the part of the digestive system. This is a great benefit for those who have digestive issues or who can not tolerate oral supplementation. There are also times when the body is so deficient that oral supplementation is not enough. Using IV route of administration of nutrients allows for maximum concentration of nutrients to reach tissues that need it the most.
How does it work?
The nutrients in the IV solutions are absorbed directly by your cells without having to go through the digestive process. This means that nutrients are absorbed more quickly and at higher concentrations than oral supplementation. Due to the high concentration of nutrients in the IV solution compared to the cells in your body, the “concentration gradient” allows active transport of the nutrients into cells rapidly and efficiently, thus stimulating your cells to achieve optimal health. Having IV nutrient repletion leads to a rapid increase in the nutrient levels in the center of the cells where they are most needed. They may assist in biochemical reactions that: increase energy production within the cell, improve immune system function, increase processing of toxins and environmental toxicants, decrease inflammation, increase antioxidants, improve neurotransmitter function, improve hormone production, etc.
What are the benefits of IV Nutrient Therapy?
IV nutrient therapy has been prescribed for decades for people with heavy metal toxicity, malabsorption syndrome (such as gastritis, ulcers, IBS, Crohn’s and colitis), post traumatic/post operative wound healing, viral infections heart disease, diabetes and cancer. The Meyer’s Cocktail itself has been effective (in case reports) as an immune system booster in treating the difficult chronic infections such as Lyme disease, Epstein Barr and Hepatitis. It is has been used in management of severe pain associated with chronic degenerative arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. Often depression, anxiety, insomnia chronic fatigue syndrome and other neurological disorders are helped greatly by the nutrients in the Meyer’s Cocktail. Numerous studies have shown that Vitamin C at very high doses intravenously act as a chemotherapeutic agent specific to cancer cells and not to normal healthy cells.
Conventional chemotherapy along with IV Vitamin C therapy may increase survival rate of cancer patients. This is currently being studied extensively by the National Institutes of Health.
Are there any contra-Indications to IV therapy?
Majority of people can tolerate most IV nutrient therapies. Occasionally, an individual may have a severe allergy to a nutrient and therefore should not receive the injection with that nutrient. If you suffer from kidney or heart disease or high blood pressure some of the nutrient IV’s may not be right for you.
The physicians, practitioners, and nurses at Bradenton East Integrative Medicine have been trained in the use and administration of IV Nutrient Therapy. Your physician/practitioner will decide which, if any, of the protocols are right for you.
Are there any complications from IV Therapy?
Local complications and more systemic complications can occur. Local complications such as pain at the site of injection can occur as well as swelling of the area if the IV fluid has leaked into the surrounding injection site tissue. Bruising can occur at the site of injection. Occasionally, a vein may become irritated or inflamed. This is called phlebitis. If there is pain, fever and redness streaking up from the site of injection within a few hours after the injection therapy, there may be an infection and your physician should be notified immediately. Most other local complications will resolve with very little intervention.
Systemic complications include anaphylactic allergy to a substance, vasovagal response (fainting spells), systemic infections, and increase stress on heart and kidneys if there is a previous history of kidney or heart conditions.
Generally, IV nutrition therapy is well tolerated with minimum occurrences of complications.
Is IV Therapy covered by my medical insurance?
Most medical insurances do not cover IV nutrients. However, medical flex plans do often reimburse you for IV therapy. Fees for IV nutrients are variable depending on the substance and amount of time involved in dispensing these therapies. Therefore, payment at time of service is expected.