Did you know that exercise is as good for treating Heart Disease and Stroke as medications? It’s true, and a lot less expensive than a prescription!

Dr. Leiber explains:

“A new analysis of 305 randomized controlled trials (the gold standard in medical research) involving 339,274 individuals shows that exercise can be just as effective as medications for saving lives in people who have heart disease or who have had strokes. This research was conducted at Harvard, Stanford, and the London School of Economics.

I’m still not sure why there is any resistance to this idea!
This research should serve as a clear sign that there needs to be a definitive change in the standard of care for Doctors advising people who have these conditions.
Sure, taking a medication may feel easier, but exercise has so many side BENEFITS and medications may have so many side EFFECTS that you might save yourself some sweat, but you won’t save yourself any ‘heartache’.”

At Bradenton East Integrative Medicine, we can get you started towards the right path to overall Health and Wellness.

Call 941-727-1243 to schedule a Full Body Musculoskeletal Assessment and to get the best exercise advice possible from our own Kerri Whitehead, Physical Therapist, Athletic Trainer, and the former Director of Therapy for the Women’s Tennis Association’s top-ten elite professional tennis players!

Read The Original Article Here!